Tuesday, October 22, 2013

puffy eyes are cute??

To a lot of girls in Asia, Beauty is too look young and like a doll. A sharp chin, large eyes (circle lenses), sharp nose, and others. But something Asians have been rocking lately are puffy eyes aka Aegyo Sal.

There also cosmetic surgeries to achieve this.
But i'll show you a easy way to achieve this with a little makeup . ^^

So this is what it looks like before.
And this is one with and one without


I use this color because it isn't too white so it doesn't look to unnatural
This looks kinda weird but I like to squint my eyes like this when I draw my puffy eyes

Now you can see the puffy eyes forming already
 Now we need to make a shadow, the brown I use looks like this but after you smudge it, it looks a lot lighter
using a smudging brush thing i use the brown and draw under the puffy eyes we created

And your DONE!!
But don't rock these cute eye bags by its self, or else its going to look like you need more sleep. 
The eye bags compliment your eye makeup so don't wear it as "makeup".

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